Trying to be co-operative?

12 04 2009

I went into a supermarket which is part of a national chain called The Co-Operative Group. I had my hearing dog with me. He was wearing his official purple working coat which says “Hearing Dog for Deaf People” on both sides and has the Assistance Dogs UK logo on the top. I went to the till to pay for a loaf of bread. The shop assistant told me repeatedly that a dog was not allowed into the store, that it is a food shop. I kept explaining that my dog is a hearing dog, an assistance dog for deaf people, and that he therefore is entitled to the same access benefits as a guide dog for the blind. Unfortunately, the assistant clearly did not want to listen to what I had to say, and he refused to serve me. In the end, I asked to speak to the store manager.

A young man came out and he was incredibly rude and offensive towards me. Other customers in the queue were visibly shocked. He told me he was the junior manager and refused to listen to my explanations and kept talking over me and interrupting me. I explained that my hearing dog is an assistance dog, which is one of six different kinds of assistance dogs; there are not only guide dogs for the blind which most people are familiar with but other types of assistance dogs too. I showed the manager the official identity cards which I carry for my dog: one certifying that he is a trained hearing dog, and one from Hearing Dogs for Deaf People (the organisation which trained him) with a statement from the Institute of Environmental Health Officers, stating that;

“Hearing Dogs are allowed entry to restaurants, supermarkets and other food premises. Their very special training means they are not a risk to hygiene in such premises”

The manager said he was not interested, he did not want to see them, and told me to go outside the store. I refused to go outside as I know my rights and I was very offended by the manner in which he spoke to me. As a customer, I expected a certain level of courtesy and professionalism, but I was met with an unwillingness to listen, rudeness, and an offensive attitude towards my disabled status.

I was humiliated.

I joined the queue of customers at the till and the manager came over to me and asked to see the cards. He snatched the cards out of my hand, read them and then apologised. He then told the shop assistant that I was right and that he was to serve me. I asked both of them for an apology. I asked the manager why he had not listened to my explanation. His reply was that he had never seen a hearing dog before. Well, pardon me! Before I left Ireland, I had never seen a black person, but I still knew that people can’t be treated differently on account of their colour. I had never seen a guide dog for the blind either, but I also knew that they are allowed to go into places selling and serving food because of their special training. So no, that poor excuse didn’t wash with me.

Ignorantia legis neminem excusats.

Ignorance of the law excuses no one: this is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content.

I visited The Co-Op again later that day with a leaflet for the manager, which explained the different types of assistance dogs. He said he would put this up on the wall behind the till counter. When you think about it, it’s a good way to cut training costs, just stick a poster on the wall and hope everyone reads it. That’s what I call lazy, passive ‘training’. Or is it my responsibility to train their staff in diversity awareness?!

A few days later I visited The Co-Op again. There was a different assistant at the till. As soon as he saw me, he told me to leave the store. The manager happened to be nearby and said it was ok, my hearing dog was allowed. Clearly, the other staff still had not been trained. Or should I say, no one had bothered to read the leaflet stuck on the wall.

I was disappointed.

To make matters worse, I was very surprised, and disappointed, to see The Co-Op were displaying posters around the store stating that the RNID (Royal National Intsitute for the Deaf) is their charity of the year, with large RNID-branded collection buckets at the tills. My guess is that this was just a token PR exercise.

Does RNID = Really Not Interested in Deaf?

Recently, I went into The Co-Op again (I don’t scare easily), accompanied by my hearing dog, as always, wearing his official purple working coat. I was immediately approached by a shop assistant who told me that dogs were not allowed in the shop. I explained (again. YAWN) that my dog is a hearing dog. He clearly did not understand what I was talking about and went over to his colleague.

I was annoyed.

A few minutes later, I was approached by his colleague who also told me dogs were not allowed in the shop, citing the reason that there is food on the shop shelves. I explained – yet again – that my dog is a hearing dog, a type of assistance dog, therefore he was allowed into the shop. I asked him how many times he had to be told? His poor excuse was that he had never seen a hearing dog before. They trot this one out on a regular basis! The manager was not present so I was unable to discover why the staff had not been given training, a whole month after the original incident in January when I had been promised that staff would be given the appropriate diversity training.

I am disgusted.

I did some research and discovered that The Co-Op is a member of the Employer’s Forum on Disability (EFD). The EFD’s agenda on customers states, under ‘Policy and top level commitment’;

“Service to disabled customers will form an integral part of the company’s product and service standards. A company-wide policy will be agreed by the top team and communicated to the rest of the company.”

The service to disabled customers at this particular branch of The Co-Op is clearly not up to the expected high standards of service given to non-disabled customers. I wonder why their company policy on services to disabled customers was not communicated to this branch’s staff? Was such policy communicated to other branches? Or, dare I say it, was a company-wide policy on service to disabled customers never agreed in the first place?

I am dismayed.

The EFD’s agenda on customers states, under ‘Staff training and disability awareness’;

“Specific steps will be taken to raise awareness of disability among employees involved in developing, marketing and delivering products and services to customers. Training will be made available to communicate service standards and to equip employees to achieve these.”

Eh? HELLO? I would be most interested to know why specific steps had not been taken to raise awareness of deafness and hearing dogs among the employees involved in delivering products to customers. Clearly, no deaf awareness training had been delivered to staff. Never mind that they were supporting RNID for a whole year …. Who Are They When They’re At Home?

I am frustrated.

Making the store accessible is as straightforward as informing all the staff that work there about access rights for disabled people and their assistance dogs, whether those dogs be a guide dog for the blind, a hearing dog for deaf people, a dog for the disabled, a support dog, a canine partner, or a dual purpose guide and hearing dog.

I am tired of explaining my rights.

Looking at The Co-Op’s website, I discovered that 2009 marks their Disability step-change programme, and they are Two Ticks accredited for being positive about disabled people;

“We will also continue to pay attention to customers, and the audits to ensure that all our branches and stores are accessible as they can be for customers with disabilities.”

“By diversity, we mean we value the attributes and the experiences of every individual, be they employee, member or customer. These attributes include, but are certainly not limited to … physical ability”

“Externally, we mean that we will provide easy access to goods, services and facilities and actively seek to engage diverse elements of society.
• We value people for their contribution and will encourage their diversity in all aspects of our business.
• We will not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form.
• We recognise that we need to support the needs of our diverse customer and community base and will work to ensure that we exceed their expectations of us.”


However, The Co-Op have tried to make good. They sent me a letter of apology, stating they would be giving their staff training in disability awareness. They also enclosed vouchers to the value of £50.

I had told RNID’s Legal Casework Service Team what had happened. Their response? Zip.

I had also informed the Co-Op charity of the year project manager at the RNID. Zip response.

I had copied in my local Member of Parliament and I received a letter the next day; his response was one of incredulity at the lack of common sense of these shop assistants.

Most helpful were Royal Association for Deaf people Legal Services (RAD) who responded promptly and advised me on my course of action. Kudos to them!

I had (note: past tense) a deaf friend who always said I shouldn’t complain when I came across discrimination in shops and restaurants but should just leave and go elsewhere. How would that improve access for disabled people? We need to fight for our rights. Why should we be treated as second class citizens? Why does he think the Disability Discrimination Act was set up in the first place? Just to make the government look good? Just so companies can say, “Oh yes, of course we’re accessible!”.

Let’s make it simple. Just substitute the word ‘disability’ for ‘black’ and the discrimination becomes clearer.

It pays to complain.

It pays to stand up for your rights and be counted.

I might be deaf, but I’m not invisible.

Hell, no.



15 responses

12 04 2009
Jeremy Freeman

You go girl. I can remember when you accompanied us in Watford a few months ago at Pizza Hut and the Harlequin Shopping Centre, you were surprised that nobody batted an eyelid at Smudge walking in. In fact, Smudge was the centre of attention! Keep complaining – it’s good to be assertive.

12 04 2009

Unbelievable! I’d loved to have been there! I certainly would have made a fair bit of noise just to see if they can hear!! I’ve been there with a previous partner with who we had a HD, we got discrimination not only in shops but also restuarants and even down the local deaf club too!!

That’s the major obstacle any person other a than a blind person with a guide dog for the blind is up against still these days, total ignorance, were you blind and entered with a guide dog for the blind, they’d take not a blind bit of notice! (pun intended)!

Recently I read that schools have cost most of our upcoming youngsters a lot of decent education as they concentrate on trendy teaching styles, as well as classes for citizenships and so on. But surely a class on discrimination would be a whole lot better along with good old fashioned teaching, the sort that enabled people to leave at 13/14 with a very good grasp of grammar and maths.

If I was you I’d report the shop to the Trading Standards Dept. And reply to the store that thanks for the vouchers but I return them since staff at your store are still discriminating against me, each and everytime I enter the store! Or maybe gently suggest to them that you’d like an account where you shop free, with all costs of shopping covered each time they confront you about entering the store with your hearing dog!

12 04 2009

Brian – I have friends who are blind and they tell me they do experience discrimination, it’s not just the hearing dog owners.

12 04 2009

I’m speechless! Why don’t more businesses know the law??

13 04 2009

Un-freakin’-believable!!! Wow! I don’t even know what to say because I’m so ticked off for you. More power to you for going back there and standing up for yourself and your dog.

13 04 2009

Its really bad. You shouldn’t have had to repeat over and over again, everytime you enter the shop. Its obvious they have not done anything about training other than stick a leaflet up that no one is looking at. Its not good enough. There’re certainly should be Deaf Awareness Training, and as I mentioned once on my blog a while back, it should be conpulsory that work do this.

14 04 2009

Unfortunately, I do not know if this would work the same in the UK as the US: On a day when you have lots of time, do not bother to explain, just answer “Call the police”. Then, when the police arrive, file a complaint against the store. Then follow up with a lawsuit.


14 04 2009

Kim – It seems that businesses don’t want to spend the time and money on training. If they do, employees aren’t really interested because it doesn’t affect them, it’s not their problem. An “I’m Alright Jack” attitude which I loathe and seem to encounter more and more these days. Just pure selfishness.

Michelle, Liz – Yep it IS bad, isn’t it!

David – Nice to know that works in the US. Unfortunately, the police only deal with criminal incidents, not civil ones. I’ve been told the police can’t deal with cases like this. I did do that once, I called a passing policeman into the store and he explained to the storeperson that I am entitled to access but he couldn’t do anything else. Very frustrating.

14 04 2009

What a shame we can’t do that.

16 04 2009

I had an issue with a local cafe. The first time I went in I was asked to leave, and explained that my dog is an assistance dog and has the same access rights as Guide Dogs. I handed over an information leaflet. She took it to the manager, and came back and said “OK”. (She was very nice).
Next time I went she went a little red and said “I am sorry, I was told that if you came again I had to ask you to leave”. I was with my parents this time….
I repeated that under the DDA I couldn’t be asked to leave, but she insisted. I said “OK, but go and inform your manager that if I am asked to leave I can sue you….”. Poor lass, she looked totally shocked!
She went up and on returning said all was OK, I could stay.
Later during our meal the manager came and apolgised, and commented on how well behaved my dog is as she laid beneath the table well out of the way….. Huh!
I still get the feeling I am allowed in (by him) under sufference….

A pub also wouldn’t allow my parents and me into their restaurent, even after showing the ID cards and offering a leaflet….! My parents and I were hungry and just agreed to sit in an area outside the restaurent proper in the draft! I haven’t complained, but will do, in writing.

But mostly I haven’t had any problems once the people concerned are made aware, and the majority are friendly as they aproach….. But it’s hard to keep your cool when they appear aggressive… I usually take a deep breath, and aim to be the one who is reasonable… Makes them look the worse to others then.

16 04 2009

Lyn – I agree, it’s very hard to keep my cool, especially when dealing with idiots who insist they are right and I’m making all this up! Well done you, for being assertive!

19 04 2009

Hi. More power to your elbow. I admire you for sticking to your guns. One of the problems that I have when arguing/discussing is that I don’t hear the other person’s answers too well and this throws me. So I get flustered and confused.

19 04 2009

MOg – I usually have the same problem as so many people in London are foreigners and they mumble as well. I keep asking the person in authority to repeat what’s being said, it makes them realise that I really am deaf and really do need the dog. I don’t let them embarrass me; rather, I embarrass them as I won’t back down until they have apologised – they are shown up by their poor communication skills and ignorance of the law *big grin*

22 07 2011

This is a very good post. Hope to read more next time! Thank you very much, Mathias

7 04 2018
UK Businesses Must Allow Access To Hearing Dogs - Not Pets - 121 Captions

[…] and discriminatory treatment. Read about my experiences at Walkabout, Marks and Spencer, The Co-Op, and ASDA – if you were to go through all that crap on a daily basis and these incidents were […]

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